
Welcome to the environmental studies alumni webpage. 这个页面用来连接谁追求环境研究的校友,而在买球平台与当前的学生, 教师, 和工作人员.
校友 profile of Hannah Berman, 类的 2018


主要: 环境研究

小: 教育

地点: 美国科罗拉多州的阿斯彭

Most memorable environmental studies course: 沉迷于马特·克林格

"I want future generations to be able to enjoy the outdoors, 尽可能不被野火破坏, 干旱, pollution or inequitable barriers to access."

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

My previous roles include a water lead tester (recommendation: avoid the lead), cake baker (record: 16 pounds of butter), and environmental consultant (conclusion: not enough skiing included). While consulting on federal programs in DC, I realized everything I was doing was passed in Congress, 支付, and going to happen whether I helped or not. 我想在一家公司工作,利用其影响力来解决气候变化的系统性问题,并尝试创新策略来影响政策和文化. 所以我去了阿斯彭滑雪公司, where I work on sustainability programs, 慈善事业, and initiatives to promote racial justice. I also direct the 环境 Foundation, 我们的员工非营利组织, which has donated more than $4 million since its inception to fight climate change, bolster clean energy at scale and policy level, 促进环境管理.


在科罗拉多州长大的我和我的环境研究教授心中根深蒂固的环保主义加深了我对人类对自然世界的影响的兴趣. When I’m not working (and sometimes for work), 我在落基山脉滑雪, backpacking in the Maroon Bells Wilderness, 或者骑自行车穿过国家公园. I want future generations to be able to enjoy the outdoors, 尽可能不被野火破坏, 干旱, pollution or inequitable barriers to access. 生活在一个滑雪小镇也证明了户外娱乐对许多农村社区的生计和生活方式是多么重要. Climate change and in股本 are in lock step, so we need to tackle them together—and that is a fight worth joining.

校友 Profile of Symone Howard, 类的 2015


主要: 环境研究

主要: 社会学

地点: 华盛顿特区

Most memorable environmental studies course: 1960年以来的伦敦金融城,吉尔·珀尔曼

“通过主修环境研究, students are setting themselves up to address some of world's most urgent challenges."

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

我2015年毕业于买球平台. 在芝加哥的环境法律和政策中心度过了一个空档年,获得了一些工作经验, I attended Georgia Tech where I earned a master's degree in city and regional planning. 从那里, 我被选为美国运输部的奖学金,在那里我协助环境审查和批准程序的交通项目接受联邦资金和审查拨款申请. I currently work as a community planner with the Marine Corps.


我决定选择环境研究专业,因为我在高中时对环境充满了热情. 我知道气候变化的基本知识, 温室气体, 自然灾害, and sea level rise but wanted to know the science behind those things, 它们对人类的影响, 建筑环境, and nature—and what courses of action can reduce their impacts. 环境al studies is broad and intersectional. From sociology and government to engineering and economics, all of these fields are impacted by the things happening with our environment. 世界各国政府正在努力制定减少排放的气候行动计划, 水的损失, 土地流失. 社会学家正在研究气候变化如何导致整个社区重新定居以及他们如何适应. Engineers are developing ways to address greenhouse gas emissions, 经济学家正在研究气候变化对食品价格的影响. 通过主修环境研究, students are setting themselves up to address some of world's most urgent challenges.

校友 Profile of Tristan Van Kote, 类的 2015


主要: 环境研究

主要: 政府及法律研究

地点: 华盛顿特区

Most memorable environmental studies course: 环境 and Culture in North American 历史 (with 马修Klingle)

“我认为环境研究是保持一点科学背景的好方法, 同时也学习了环境哲学的新技能,尤其是政府和环境政策."

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

After Bowdoin, I worked for two years in an international relations nonprofit. Then I went to 华盛顿特区, for graduate school. I went to the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, where I focused on energy resource and environment, 还有国际经济. After that, I worked for two years in consulting in energy, as well. 现在,我在Enel Green Power的所有可再生能源的收购和结构团队工作.


I've always wanted to do something with some science background, but I did not want to go into purely science. I think environmental studies is a good way to keep a little bit of your science background, 同时也学习了环境哲学的新技能,尤其是政府和环境政策. 我来自欧洲, 然后去买球平台, 对我来说, 这是我一生中最乡村的经历,所以我也认为买球平台大学的环境研究专业很适合我. I'm very, very happy to have done it because I kept doing that type of work. 这绝对是一个学习这些东西的好方法,然后在以后的专业环境中深入研究.

校友 profile of Erica Berry, 类的 2014


主要: 环境研究

主要: 英语

位置 俄勒冈州的波特兰

Most memorable environmental studies class: 环境讲故事

"I think [environmental studies] is a really omnivorous discipline; it's a lens to see the world and to begin to think about the scaffolding of science and policy and storytelling that are behind all of these different disciplines."

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

毕业后不久,我在西西里参与制作了一部买球平台濒危烹饪传统的纪录片. I then got my MFA in creative nonfiction at the University of Minnesota, 继续我的买球平台论文. Now, that's my first book, which is forthcoming spring 2023. I've been working as a freelance writer and am teaching at Oxford in the summer.


I was drawn to environmental studies from a storytelling, communications perspective. I ended up really appreciating the chance to be in the field and outside, interacting with nature through a different lens of inquiry, rather than just as a tourist or as a hiker. 现在对我来说更明显的是,环境研究实际上是对一切事物的研究. I think it's an omnivorous discipline; it's a lens to see the world and to begin to think about the scaffolding of science and policy and storytelling that are behind all of these different disciplines. Even though I'm not putting that to practice, 本身, 在我的生命中, using those modes and skills are so helpful to be able to understand, 广泛的, 现行环境法例. 它只是一种探究的力量和思考世界的方式,我认为这对任何文科学生都很有用.



类的 2011

主要(s): 环境研究、生物学

工作: 顾问

地点: 西雅图,华盛顿

"永远不要低估生态系统在从产品包装设计到从(社会和环境)采掘经济转型的各个方面的指导作用. 我发现,我在ES专业学到的“系统思维”在各个领域都能继续为我服务, 行业, 和挑战. 

What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

作为林奈解决方案公司的顾问, 我曾与地方政府合作, 学术机构, 业主, and organizations in climate change mitigation and adaptation planning. 我经常领导研究, 社区规划程序, 和策略, and plan development to help communities outline pathways towards greater resilience, 股本, 碳中和. 最近的项目包括 一个气候的未来 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for Portland and South Portland, Maine; the Climate Resilience Plan for UMass Amherst; as well as climate workshops, 漏洞评估, and climate action plans for the Massachusetts municipalities of Medford, 北安普顿, 和阿默斯特. 在林奈之前, I 支持盐湖城生态规划和环境纠纷解决研究, 犹他州. I have a master’s degree in city planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

校友 Profile of Alison Flint, 类的 2005


主要: 环境研究

主要: 历史

地点: 勃兹曼,蒙大拿

Most memorable environmental studies course: 环境 & Culture in North American 历史 (with 马修Klingle)


What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

I spent the year after graduating working for a small land trust. I was fortunate to work on land conservation and gain experience in the nonprofit world, but quickly realized I wanted to make a bigger impact so decided to go to law school. 我去了科罗拉多大学法学院,很幸运地在环境方面获得了丰富的经验, 自然资源, 以及印度联邦法律. After law school I clerked for a judge on the Colorado Supreme Court for a year, 然后在落基山地球正义办公室做了四年的助理律师,在那里我代表其他非营利组织在联邦法院提起了一系列环境案件. Since 2014 I have been in several roles at The Wilderness Society, 这是一个成立于1935年的国家非营利组织,其使命是团结人们保护美国的荒野. In my current role as senior legal director, 我指导和监督一个由六名内部律师组成的团队,以及我们所有的程序性法律工作, including several dozen active cases winding their way through the federal courts. 


从很小的时候起,我就对保护环境和自然资源感兴趣,并且知道我想在大学和以后继续追求这种激情. 我选择买球平台大学主要是因为它优秀的环境研究项目(以及它的越野滑雪队), 为此我参加了四年的比赛), so matriculated knowing I would major in environmental studies. Everyone needs clean air, water, and access to the natural world to survive and thrive. The existential threats of climate change, 生物多样性丧失, and environmental racism threaten those basic human rights and the future of humanity. 我们需要一支由来自不同背景和不同学科的环境专业人士和倡导者组成的队伍来解决这些问题,共同努力实现一个所有人都能享受自然世界的好处,并为他们的子孙后代确保一个未来的未来.