主管:教授. Birgit陶
该项目的主要组成部分是对18个大型数据库进行抓取和清理th——和19岁早期th一个世纪的德国期刊来检验和确认一个研究假设. 具体地说, this project picks up on my longstanding work on the perception and representation of China in 18th世纪德国. 虽然已经做了大量的工作, research has always bypassed – or simply restated - the curious phenomenon that China’s image was very positive in the early 18th 世纪, 指示Sinophilia, 直到1800年左右才转为负面,并写上了全面的恐华症. 到目前为止, I have only been able to speculate on why we may see this shift; in order to prove my hypothesis, 我需要运用大数据研究和数字人文的方法. 这将需要使用OCR和计算文本分析. 作为我课程准备的一部分, 这个家伙将帮助我将写作形象化, 出版, 和阅读模式th 世纪, with a specific focus on translator networks and copyright infringements (using materials from journal database), 获奖作品(《买球平台》)、“社会行为”及其影响(模仿自杀的反应) 维特),以及通过贸易和旅行进行的物品流通.
自动意大利? 吉本斯奖学金
主管:教授. 大厅
What can we learn about a language and its speakers when apps enter (not replace) an introductory Italian classroom? The fellow will collaborate with Professor 大厅 on summer research designed for publication(s) and the development of a new course. 暑期工作将包括:DCS 4a系列翻译分析, 转录, 听写, 词参考, and language learning apps; data gathering and 视觉ization related to the Italian language and its speakers around the world; building a critical bibliography of language acquisition pedagogy and app use; evaluation of primary materials. 特别强调的是找到书面材料, 口语, 视觉, 以及来自传统上被边缘化或代表性不足的发言者的社交媒体内容.
缅因州's Mid-Century Moment Digital Map - $1500 stipend paid by the National Endowment for the Humanities, 没有固定的地点和时间
主管:教授. 大厅与PI教授Lisa Botshon (U缅因州 Augusta)合作
使用Gephi和Storymap.js软件,以帮助讲述有关世纪中叶缅因州的各种故事. Gephi is often employed to help 视觉ize patterns within databases (such as an Excel spreadsheet) and trends in networks such as social media. For the purposes of this project, these tools will help illuminate pathways of connection. 例如, 蓝山, 缅因州, 会在地图上出现一个大的连接“节点”吗, 因为它在很短的时间内召集了多位作家和艺术家, 甚至吸引了当时的总统夫人, 埃莉诺·罗斯福. The digital map will make visible heretofore unknown relations by posing and attempting to answer specific questions: Where and with whom did artists and writers socialize and exchange ideas? 他们是如何促进彼此的工作的? 哪些出版商主宰了缅因州中世纪的文坛? 为什么某些地理区域比其他地理区域更受青睐? 哪些经销商、收藏家和策展人推广了哪些艺术家? 不同颜色的线和节点将使这些连接明显, 从而向大众揭示新的人文信息, 研究人员也是如此. These nodes will be enhanced by the inclusion of 叙述s and images uploaded in Storymap.js, a creation of the Northwestern Knight Lab that was designed to help writers tell more complicated 叙述s through geographical maps. Storymap will allow us to incorporate more complex stories about 缅因州’s creative class and help users see their trajectories through 缅因州, 他们作品和生活的来源, 以及它们是如何相交的.
主管:教授. Nascimento
We have been working on a project to retrieve paragraphs in philosophical texts that are relevant to the definition of a certain concept ( for instance justice, 叙述, 会). In a previous stage of this project we applied a statistical technique called topic modeling. 尽管结果是积极的, the complexity of optimizing the parameters of the model makes it difficult to use it in other textual corpora. In this project we will apply a machine learning technique called word embedding that is based on recurrent neural networks to determine the syntactic distance between a given concept and all paragraphs of a text so that the most relevant ones for the definition of the concept can be offered as a result for searches.
主管:教授. 纳西门托教授. 郑月娥(加拿大约克大学)
We created a first version of this application for mobile devices that allows the audience of theater shows to register and share their impressions about shows using some metrics created by Prof. Bay-Cheng. In this next stage we will expand the application's functionality to capture impressions related to the experience of theater festivals. 这不仅可以扩展应用程序的用户社区, but also research the behavior of the audience during events well located temporally and graphically. These new features open up possibilities to monitor the behavior of audiences in the event of sequences of the same festival, 这可能表明文化模式随着时间的推移而演变.